University President's Speech

Opening speech of the first issue

Mr. President of the University

Prof.Dr. Sabah Ibrahim Hammadi

Thank God who says in his dear book: "And say, "God has increased me knowledge"، And prayers and peace be upon our noble prophet who says "God has given us a useful knowledge, and seek refuge in God from knowledge that does not work".

In my speech in the editorial of the first issue of the journal "Researcher for Islamic Sciences" issued by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at our University, I greet dear readers by greeting Islam and telling them: 

Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you..

At first, I thank the magazine's authors for their efforts, and I hope that our magazine, The Researcher of Islamic Sciences, will gain advanced ranks in national and global classifications in a short period of time, and that the magazine will be accessible to all.

I look forward to the magazine providing readers with what benefits them and benefits them in the matters of their religion and world. They are more visionary and according to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet, as well as other humanities in its field of work.  

  I hope that this magazine will be a field where the pens of scholars and thought from all over the world take place, to be a magnet around which these pens gather, especially since this magazine is issued by a legitimate college in a city that embraced the Islamic heritage and went on in its footsteps until it won the title of mother of mosques, and graduated from its schools a large number of scholars, sheikhs and researchers since the founding of the city.

This magazine aims to be of a high level, which the majority of readers can understand, as they can follow and digest what is published, and will not be limited to the elite of scientists, jurists and researchers, but we aspire to reach the people of medium cultures and limited scientific levels in order to benefit from what is published in it.

I note here that the magazine will avoid saying and doing well in its policy of publishing research in order not to publish or promote what harms Islam and Muslims in order to affect their unity and solidarity, our dear researchers should take this into account when writing or wanting to publish, and I call for the guidance of experts and scientific evaluators to do so as well. 

  I ask Allah almighty sincerely to take our hands to the path of truth and right, and to give us all the truthful words and good deeds, and to support his religion and speak his word, that he is a close listener, and that God prayed to our Master Muhammad, his family, his companions, and his God and his peace.