Maqasid-Based Thought of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (May Allah Be Pleased with Him)


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Durgham Munhil Mohammed

    University of Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences


The numerous and recurring events, developments, and unprecedented issues emphasize the need to focus on the objectives (maqasid) of Sharia, as they assist scholars in deriving legal rulings. Neglecting the maqasid narrows the scope of research and deduction. For this reason, the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) considered the maqasid in their legal judgments. They were among the best at understanding the purposes of Sharia, especially Umar bin al-Khattab and Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them).

Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) was known for his innovative solutions to complex issues. He applied a rational methodology in deriving legal rulings by engaging with texts, attempting to understand them, and deducing principles from them. In all of this, his aim was to achieve benefit in both the short and long term. This is evident in the juristic applications attributed to him.

This research focuses on the daruriyyat (necessities) rather than the complementary (kamaliyyat) or non-essential (hajiyyat) needs, as the daruriyyat are the most significant and prioritized in cases of conflict. Even within the daruriyyat, not all objectives hold the same weight, as they vary in importance. Therefore, stronger necessities are prioritized over lesser ones when conflicts arise. The researcher has provided definitions of the daruriyyat based on his understanding of the discussions by Usul scholars.


Consider, purposes, Ali bin Abi Talib, diligence, essentials

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How to Cite

أ.م.د. ضرغام منهل محمد. (2025). Maqasid-Based Thought of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (May Allah Be Pleased with Him). Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2(2), 42–81. Retrieved from