Jurisprudential issues that have two aspects according to the Shafi’is in the rulings on sales related to houses and water from the book (Al-Bayan) by Imam Al-Omrani (d. 558) : A comparative jurisprudential study


  • Doha Mohammed Abdullah Fayyadh


    University of Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences
  • Dr. Mohammed Najeeb Hammadi


    University of Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences


This study aims to introduce Imam Al-Imrani, a prominent Yemeni Shafi’i scholar who passed away in 558 AH and was considered one of the leading figures of the Shafi’i school in his time. The research also examines his renowned book, Al-Bayan, which is regarded as one of the most important works in Shafi’i jurisprudence. The paper focuses on certain jurisprudential issues with two differing opinions among the Shafi’i scholars, specifically those related to sales involving properties and water, as discussed in Al-Bayan. The study highlights the scholars’ views and provides reasoned preferences. May Allah grant success.


Issue, Opinion, Shafi’i School, Al-Bayan, Sales, Water.

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How to Cite

ضحى محمد عبدالله فياض, & أ.م.د. محمد نجيب حمادي. (2025). Jurisprudential issues that have two aspects according to the Shafi’is in the rulings on sales related to houses and water from the book (Al-Bayan) by Imam Al-Omrani (d. 558) : A comparative jurisprudential study. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2(2), 223–250. Retrieved from https://uofrjis.net/index.php/new/article/view/529