Some Reasons for the Qur'anic Expression in the Tafsir of Ibn Kammal Pasha (d. 940 AH)


  • Maha Hatem Jadoua

    University of Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Saad Sabbar Abdel Baqi

    University of Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences


 This study examined important aspects in the study of science of meanings, taking these tools as a mirror that reflects the efforts exerted by scholars and researchers, who only found a dark phenomenon and uncovered its veil of ambiguity and obscurity. The focus of the study was focused on Methods of semantics such as introduction, delay, deletion, mention, and circumvention, and an explanation of their impact on the study of texts. For Kamal Pasha, it was an important phenomenon in which he dealt with several problems on the aspect of interpretation and the aspect of language.


reasons for expression, deletion and mention, declarative interrogative, attention, introduction and delay

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How to Cite

مها حاتم جدوع فرحان, & أ.م.د. سعد صبار عبد الباقي. (2025). Some Reasons for the Qur’anic Expression in the Tafsir of Ibn Kammal Pasha (d. 940 AH). Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2(1), 212–244. Retrieved from