The Importance Of Circles Of Knowledge In Correcting Beliefs


  • Hasan Ibrahim Abd Al-Jumaili

    Fallujah University - Faculty of Islamic Sciences


The aspects of existence in their diversity cannot depart from the three circles of knowledge, the sensible, the intelligible, and the unseen, and it is not conceivable in the human sciences and knowledge that any of them depart from those three boundaries and circles. , taste, touch), and the sensible of it is what is near and counted by essence, and the distant is numbered by accident, some of which are subject to one sense and some of them share more than one sense, and therefore they do not enter into the circle of the mind or the unseen, but the circle of intelligibles is slightly wider than the circle of sensible things. And it is known as the mind, and the sciences in this circle are subject to logical and rational inference, so they do not enter into the circle of the sensible and the occult, and after that the circle of news (occult, auditory), which is the widest circle of knowledge and includes all matters of the unseen; Such as the knowledge of God Almighty, His attributes, His names, the doctrines of the unseen, and the conditions of the Hereafter, and the source of its knowledge is the true news represented by revelation from the Book and the Sunnah. The five senses, and the mind fantasizes about measuring the absent against the witness, and thus begin to form fantasies, images, and fantasies that depict the Creator and the conditions of the Hereafter as if they could be perceived or sensed, while we are physically and mentally prevented from trying to comprehend and encompass them


دوائر المعرفة, العقائد

Author Biography

Hasan Ibrahim Abd Al-Jumaili, Fallujah University - Faculty of Islamic Sciences

استاذ مساعد دكتور 

تخصص عقيدة

جامعة الفلوجة - كلية العلوم الاسلامية

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How to Cite

الجميلي أ. ا. ع. (2024). The Importance Of Circles Of Knowledge In Correcting Beliefs . Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 215–252. Retrieved from