The Shafi'i opposition to the Hanafism in drinking, hunting, and sacrifices through the book of the End of the Taleb in the Doctrine of the Doctrine of the Imam of the Two Ha-rams (A comparative jurisprudence study)


  • Mohammed Ibrahim Abdul majeed Al-Obaidi

    Fallujah University - Faculty of Islamic Sciences


 That it is from the mercy of God, Glory be to Him and His wisdom, that I allowed the jurists to differ in the branches of rulings, for their difference is nothing but mercy and expansion of the nation, and evidence of the flexibility of Islamic law, and that it is not rigid, and it is valid for all time and place, that is why I chose the title of my research, which is the opposition of the Shafi'i to the Hanafi in Drinking, hunting, and sacrifices through the book of the end of the study in the doctrine of the doctrine of the Imam of the Haramin Juwayni, a comparative study, I will show in it seven issues on which two of the greatest jurists of this nation differed, with the study of these issues a comparative jurisprudential study, The results you reached


Wine, circumcision, leather, hunting, dog, slaughter, fish, floating.


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How to Cite

العبيدي أ. ا. ع. ا. (2023). The Shafi’i opposition to the Hanafism in drinking, hunting, and sacrifices through the book of the End of the Taleb in the Doctrine of the Doctrine of the Imam of the Two Ha-rams (A comparative jurisprudence study). Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 215–239. Retrieved from



scientific research