Linguistic Substitution In "Mukhtasar Gharib Al-Hadith" By Al-Hasan bin Ahmed Al-Istrabadi


  • شيماء حمدان هزيم الشمري

    جامعة الانبار كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية قسم اللغة العربية
  • Dr. Ayoub Fouad Mouloud Al- Ani

    University of Anbar/ The College of Education for Humanities/ Department of Quran Arabic Language


This research has dealt with the study of linguistic substitution in the book “Mukhtasar Gharib Al-Hadith” by Abu Ali Al-Hasan bin Ahmed A-Istrabadi, which is a summary of "Gharib Al-Hadith" by Abu Obaid al-Qasim bin Salam. To highlight the linguistic efforts of Abi Ali Al-Istrabadi in his summary, including phonemic phenomena, especially the phenomenon of linguistic substitution and its relationship to Arabic dialects; Because of its importance in the language, the research included a statement of the possibility of phonemic substitution, whether in the convergent sounds in their exit or diverging from them, and an explanation of what was abstaining or weak of them. He had a large share in the summary of Abi Ali Al-Istrabadi, which called for a detailed independent study, and that study we present in our this topic.


linguistic substitution, Al-Istrabadi, Gharib Al-Hadith

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How to Cite

الشمري ش. ح. ه., & العاني أ. د. . أ. ف. م. (2023). Linguistic Substitution In "Mukhtasar Gharib Al-Hadith" By Al-Hasan bin Ahmed Al-Istrabadi. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(2), 1–24. Retrieved from



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